Thursday, March 29, 2007

Arwen is on a roll - Thx Christina!!!!

My "A Cardigan for Arwen" is back on track and rolling along ...Shhhhhhhh......smoothly thanks to Christina at MY. Every time I go in she asks me about it, and I reluctantly pull out the same portion as last time, but this time with a new error, just one row ahead, and every time, she has put me back on the track, but this time it's for good. THANK YOU!!!!

BTW......I am much further along now than when this picture was taken yesterday morning.


Anonymous said...

Lovely color. I just finished my Arwen in a pale blue. (Pics later this week or next week on my blog).
Go for it, you'll be rewarded.

Sue H said...

Love that woven cable. I've been thinking of knitting the scarf with that pattern (from Scarfstyle). You are doing well.